Maybe you have a new web site that just sits there waiting for people to come and see what you have to offer. Or you have a web site that has been online for years, yet struggles to get enough visitors to make it a profitable venture for you.
My advice to you is start an article marketing campaign today, and begin getting people to find your Home Business offers. It’s not hard and it won’t cost you any out of pocket money.
It will cost you time. You’ll have to put forth an effort, but hey, all good things are worth working for. The more effort you put into it, the more money you will get out of it. It will be time well spent.
Maybe this concept is new to you; so let me tell you one thing you need to know to be successful. You need to come up with some keywords to write an article on. These are the words prospective customers will type into the search engines to find what they are looking for. This is a nice way of e-Marketing.
For example, if your article marketing campaign is focused on selling skin care products, a person wanting to find offers on the Internet, might type in the phrase “products for sensitive skin.” In this case, you would write and educate people on what to use on sensitive skin.
The keyword phrase you’ve chosen “products for sensitive skin” should be used at a 1% density in the article. By that I mean if your article is 500 words long you would use the phrase 5 times. The goal here is to get the search engine to rank your article high enough for the keyword phrase you are targeting so a prospective customer will find what you have written. Using the keyword in the correct density will help you in toward that goal.
After you’ve written your keyword rich article you will submit it to article directories online. There are a bunch of them. Just do a search for them, and you’ll find many to work with. This is how you get your article out there, so people can find it.
Write several pieces using several keyword phrases. Make each article different. A successful article marketing campaign will educate people on whatever you have to offer and boost your Online Marketing campaign.
By this I don’t mean you will just write about your brand. In fact, don’t even mention any particular brand. In the example above just inform them generally what they should be looking for in a good sensitive skin care product.
At the end of each article the directories will publish a short bio you’ve written that people will click on to go to your web site. Thus you have instant targeted traffic, who are looking for what you have to offer. They’ve read your article and they will be informed what they should be looking for, and will be ready to make a buying decision.
In many cases what you write for your article marketing campaigns will stay online for years to come, and people will continue to read what you’ve written and will continue to visit your web site.
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